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Janell Sachi Renshaw

Janell is a modern-day maverick and mystic driven by time-tested Truths, an intense introspective dreamer and seeker always searching and analyzing the pieces of the puzzle that make up our vast Universe and the planetary energies ever-changing in play


A rare Florida native that was raised by wolves.......ok, that's not true .....her dad and two brothers, but so close. Growing up, her dad always encouraged her to find her own answers. So most of the time, she was wandering the woods or had her nose exploring books and encyclopedias.

Janell began her studies in astrology at a very young age. Her father was an astrologer, and she was fascinated by the glyphs, houses, and planet degrees, allowing their mystery to plant a seed of curiosity to grow. 


Like a waxing and waning Moon, Janell studied and drifted away from astrology down different paths. Still, interestingly they all had one thing in common, water, liquid, consciousness, and the celestial sea: A ministerial path with Unity Worldwide, an RYT 1000 with studies in yoga, meditation, and philosophy with Amrit Yoga Institute, a traveling bartender, and a custom swimming pool builder and thousands upon thousands of hours of deep introspective personal sadhanas. 


Each path would reveal layer upon layer of her true self and the reoccurring patterns and cycles that could no longer hide in plain sight. It was time to return to her first curious love of glyphs, houses, and planet degrees. For the past four years, she has delved into her studies of astrology, in particular Jyotish Astrology. Jyotish Astrology offered her intense introspective mind a playground that would always reveal a new ride. Chart after chart, client after client, the puzzle pieces of each individual revealing their part in the vast and marvelous Universe we live in.


Her journey through life and understanding of the heart of yoga and the wisdom of ancient writings allow her to teach from the integrated grace of love and wisdom.

With these teachings, it is her deepest desire to connect with each person she meets. To be fully present, stepping into their world and how they organize reality. It is from this space that she supports them in achieving their deepest desires.


Today you can still find her in the woods exploring with her dog Jayden and her cat Blender or her nose in a book. Still scanning the skies and beyond and enjoy getting the best moonrise and sunrise pictures she possibly can.  



To be continued......... for as long as she can!!


Janell Sachi Renshaw is a Licensed Unity Teacher with Unity Worldwide Ministries. Vedic Astrologer, INT. E-RYT 500 trained specifically under the direction of Yogi Amrit Desai and Kamini Desai of the Amrit Yoga Institute. A certified Amrit Yoga Teacher Level 1, Amrit Conscious Crossover Level 2, Yoga Nidra Advanced Facilitator. Thousands of hours of deep integrative personal practice. Blending the knowledge of metaphysics, spiritual teachings, Yoga & Astrology to create a deep integrative experience of profound

Love & Wisdom

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