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Introductory Astrology Reports

Are you curious about astrology and need help figuring out where to begin? Try one of these introductory astrology reports to gain valuable insights into who you are and how you live, love, work, and move in this world. 
These reports are the first introductory layer of the many layers of you and what your natal astrology chart can reveal. A professional consultation offers a more in-depth look at the many layers of your natal chart. You may or may not be ready for that, and that's okay because all self-knowledge at one time could be overwhelming. In comparison, an approach of layer-by-layer can be assimilated and fully integrated at your pace.
Because astrology is so vast, particularly Vedic astrology, a generated report will not include key points (2nd list below) that only a professional consultation can reveal. 
The introductory reports include these beneficial key points:
Signs & Houses-​It will describe the sign, house placement, and various aspects for each of the following planets: Your Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, North & South Node.
The layout of Planets and Houses-The report groups together key aspects that pertain to life goals, home, education & communication, relationships, motivation, career & ambition, creativity & originality, challenges, and purpose & joy.

Chiron-Chiron is known as the "wounded healer" and will, without a doubt, significantly impact your life. Chiron's placement in your natal chart reveals a core wound that may take a lifetime to work through. 

*sample report at the bottom of the page


Here are a few key points that will not be included in the introductory report (a Professional consultation can support you on your journey as you go deeper into the layers of you and your astrology chart)
Nakshatras-According to Vedic Astrology, Nakshatra refers to the stars/constellations. The 360⁰ zodiac system is divided into 12 zodiac signs. There is a total of 27 Nakshatras in astrology, and hence the value of each star is 13⁰ 20’. In ancient times, Nakshatras are considered as a means of worshipping the divine. These 27 constellations are based on the movement of the Moon, which travels approximately 27.3 days around its orbit. Hence, the birth star of an individual is calculated based on the position of the Moon in any of these stars.
Retrogrades-Some planets may be retrograde in your chart, and you may be more introspected in those areas or have particular challenges you're not sure how to understand 
Planetary Yogas-In Vedic astrology, there are particular beneficial/malefic influences that occur when two certain planets are together. Knowing these specific yogas can help you understand key aspects of yourself.
Dasha's-In Vedic astrology, the traditional seven planets and Rahu govern specific periods of your life. Because of these Dasha's, your life can literally transform overnight. Especially if the Dashas ruling planet is in a sign or house drastically different from the previous ruling planet, people falling out of love, no longer wanting to do the same kind of work, or moving across the world are examples of Dasha changes in one's life.
Planetary Friendships & Enemies-Just like you like to hang out with your best friend in certain places, so do the planets. Planets that are well-placed do better than those that are not. So as above, so as below.
Argala-A powerful technique that pinpoints planetary support and hindrances to specific houses in your chart
Ashtavargas-Some houses are stronger than others. Ashtavarga scores highlight the strongest and weakest houses in your chart. 
Exaltation & Debilitation Planets-Do you have any exalted or debilitated planets in your chart? These are essential things to know and how to handle their energies. 
Gandanta Zones-These are crucial junction points that occur between water and fire signs. In Vedic astrology, they are termed karmic knots, which are challenging areas that will be filled with intensity if a planet lands here. These are karmic destiny points that must be unraveled in this lifetime. 
Remedies-Not all things are set in stone. A professional astrology consultation can suggest healing modalities to strengthen challenging aspects of your chart. 
*All reports are calculated using Sidereal Lahiri Ayanamsa. Sidereal astrology maintains the alignment between signs and constellations via corrective systems known as ayanamsas to allow for the observed precession of equinoxes, whereas tropical astrology is based upon the seasonal cycle of the Northern Hemisphere.
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