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Your Solar Return chart is cast for the date and time the Sun reaches your natal Sun placement. However, the location of your chart is not your birth location. It is cast from your current location's energetic frequency.  What is this energetic frequency imprint? Well, your birth chart works because at the moment you took your first live breath, the planetary energy frequencies in the sky imprint onto your physical body. The same principle applies to the Solar Return chart.  A natal chart imprints you for an entire lifetime, whereas your Solar Return chart is active for one year.


This annual forecast report includes:

  • An Introduction to Solar Returns explaining the concept of an annual forecast birthday chart.
  • This Year’s Major Theme (The Ascendant, Sun in House, Sun Ruling House, Aspects to Sun).
  • This Year’s Personal Matters (Moon in House, Moon in Sign, Aspects to Moon, Venus in House, Venus in Sign, Aspects to Venue).
  • This Year’s Challenges (Mars in House, Aspects to Mars, Uranus in House, Pluto in House).
  • This Year’s Lessons (Mercury in House, Mercury in Sign, Aspects to Mercury, Jupiter in House, Aspects to Jupiter, Saturn in House, Aspects to Saturn).
  • This Year’s Journey (Neptune in House, Aspects to North Node).

In some parts of the report you will come across apparent contradictions in the descriptions of your character. This is to be expected as people are complex and have many contradictory facets to their personality.

Solar Return Report

  • All reports will be delivered by email within 48 hours

  • Correct time, date, and place of your birth is vital to the accuracy of your report. Please confirm before ordering.

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