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Your Natal Chart report is an astrological chart based on the mathematically precise positions of the planets and the Sun & Moon at the time, date and place of your birth. It provides you with insights into your character and personal life potentials by indicating the strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.


This is an all-purpose interpretations birth chart report that includes:

  • A brief introduction to the concepts of astrology.
  • Life goals—the Sun and Jupiter in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, with easy-to-read introductions.
  • Home—the Moon in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, with easy-to-read introduction.
  • Education and communication—Mercury in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
  • Relationships—Venus in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
  • Motivation—Mars in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
  • Career—Saturn in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, and the Midheaven with introduction.
  • Creativity and originality—Uranus and Neptune in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
  • Challenges in life—Pluto in the signs, uses with introduction.
  • Purpose and joy—The Ascendant in the signs and houses with introduction.


In some parts of the report you will come across apparent contradictions in the descriptions of your character. This is to be expected as people are complex and have many contradictory facets to their personality.

Natal Chart Report

  • All reports will be delivered by email within 48 hours

  • Correct time, date, and place of your birth are vital to the accuracy of your report. Please confirm before ordering.

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