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4/20/2023 New Moon Solar Eclipse "Churning of the Oceans" Aries/Libra Part 3/1.

On April 20 @ 12:12 am, our New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs in the Moon Mansion of Ashwini, "The Star of Transport," and the zodiac sign of Aries. The ruling energies of this Eclipse are Mars, Ketu, and the Ashwini Kumaras.

Our Eclipse season continues with the final installment of the Aries/Libra axis. This is where the rubber meets the road for the next six months or the "why" of "what had to happen" when the Lunar nodes changed signs in April 2022.

When lunar nodes change, they shift your focus to a new set of circumstances often marked by a triggered event. It's almost as if Tvastar (the celestial architect) designed it that way to make life interesting. This is particularly true when your natal nodes match the current nodes, termed nodal returns. You can be going happily down one road, blink, and the road has completely changed, is gone, or opens up an old wound.

For the Aries/Libra axis and this Eclipse, the "what" and "why" have the potential for healing or a long-needed transformation.

The Sun's exalted position gets swallowed up by Rahu, possibly causing more arrogance than usual and an extreme amount of "me first" attitudes, which for some people, is precisely what they've needed to do all along. If your nodes are North Node Aries/South Node Libra. You've spent way too much time in past lives and this lifetime securing the needs of everyone to the exclusion of yourself.

When looking at the effects of an eclipse, we must look at the host of the lunar nodes, Venus and Mars.

Venus is currently in Taurus, which she rules, so the effects of Venus are steady, solid, creative, determined, and focused on security. Mars is in Gemini, and the impact of Mars could cause a critical nature, high-strung, overreacting, forceful communication with a need to channel those energies into something constructive for the mind and body to focus on. You may need to use Mars Energy to accomplish Venus's desires.

Mercury and Uranus are conjunct and also in Aries. With Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini and Mercury in Mars-ruled Aries, the house swap is reciprocal, so don't be surprised if you are the target or target someone with an uncontrolled outburst, warranted or not.

Pluto is square the Eclipse and will unearth hidden agendas, old wounds, and unconscious deep-seated patterns resulting in a new direction. Pluto's goal is the destruction of the old and does so with forceful intensity. An opportunity is on the table for you to choose differently, heal, and transform, whether you like it or not.

Saturn has a trine aspect to Ketu, the south node, and a sextile to the Eclipse, which will require you to step up and take responsibility for moving beyond old patterns.

Jupiter travels through the Gandanta zone of Jysetha/Pisces and Ashwini/Aries. This is the point of choice. With Jupiter's expansive energy at this point, everything that was once hidden is likely being seen. Be strong in your faith and conviction of the path you are on. If you're not, make the necessary adjustments to be in alignment for when Jupiter crosses over into a new beginning in Aries.

Behind all the planetary happenings of the Eclipse are the ruling deities, the Ashwini

Kumaras. The symbol for this star is a horse's head, which signifies power, dignity, and swiftness. As the first star in the cycle of the nakshatras, Ashwini is known as the quickest and behaves in a direct and to-the-point manner. Like an untamed horse, the energy carries confidence and independence as its badge and potent energy for healing, transformation, and the beginning of something new.

As you travel the Eclipse, use Ashwini Shakti power to attain your goals, focus on your objectives and heal dis-ease in the mind, body, and soul.

Key points to support Eclipse Season:

  • It's okay to be uncomfortable-Know that this too shall pass.

  • Observe what is happening within you-Witnessing your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

  • Listen to your body's request-Sleep cycles will be interrupted. You may need to sleep more than usual, or you wont sleep at all. Cycles of energized one moment drained the next. Be gentle with yourself.

  • Drink plenty of water-The waters of the earth are churned, as in the “churning of the oceans epic tale," during an eclipse, and the same goes for your body. Take this time to drink plenty of water so that whatever gets churned within can be flushed out of the system.

  • Surrender-To the Divine order at play in all things.

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Ashwini Energy

Strength: Youthful; ageless; filled with agility; fearless; direct; competent worker; motivation to initiate new activities; intelligent; self-sufficient; natural healer; helpful; moderate habits; well dressed; good finances; attractive; powerful; intuitive; idealistic; spiritually inclined; adventurous; independent; strong; powerful; charming; playful nature; loves family; nurturer; traveler; drawn to activities of healing or self-improvement.

Weakness: Hastiness in action compromises efficiency; impulsive; does not take advice well; desire to pursue new experiences in life causes weakness in finishing things; aggressive; stubborn; wants to do things their own way; disappointed when things do not go as planned; dissatisfied; arrogant; lack of mental quietude; overly passionate.

Favorable Activities: Starting activities or projects, beginning spiritual practices, laying foundations, planting seeds, health, and fitness programs, engagement (but not weddings), travel, shopping, housewarming

Activities: Marriage or conjugal bliss, completing activities, consumption of alcohol, relaxation, emotional or sexual activities

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