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Jungle Love: Ashwini-The Male Horse

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

If you have yet to read the introduction to the 27 Nakshatra Yoni's, you can find it here

We begin our journey into the jungle of the 27 Nakshatra Yonis with Ashwini.

Whether male or female, they were born to run. You will have to be exciting and enticing to keep them around. They tend to be aggressive, high-strung, and fussy about whom they love and will set high standards for their lovers. However, they may follow different rules than they place on their lovers.

I am inclined to think this is where the term horsing around came into play.

Ashwini is the male horse yoni and, more specifically, a stallion. A bit of arrogance is most likely at play. Ashwini is entirely in Aries, with padas in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. Ashwini will act differently in each pada, but they will all have the underlying Ashwini traits of fast & furiousness on a quest for something.

The added traits from the padas:

  • Aries pada fast and furious and fast and furious.

  • Taurus pada will be set in their ways and materialistic, yet with a raw refinery and steadiness that is not exhibited in the other pads.

  • Gemini pada is a smooth talker that could sell you swamp land or talk you right out of your pants.

  • Cancer pada brings untamed emotions that could flare up at any moment, leaving them a debilitated mess from emotions they cannot handle.

One thing they will all have in common is a quest. They will always seek adventures, changes, and challenges to conquer. If they get bored, they will move pastures or lovers.

If this is your yoni, be honest about what you want from a partner. Give your partner the option upfront to accept this about you or not. Learn to put your partner's needs at the front of the priority list sometimes. Also, finding a partner that will give you the freedom your soul desires will make you feel safe to run, and then you will feel like running wildly right back to your lover after each quest.

While the animal yoni describes your sexual expression, this is only one part of the entire chart. The entire chart must be fully examined to get a complete relationship analysis.

Believe nothing you read, hear, or are told that does not ring true in your soul

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