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1/12/2023 Mars Direct "The Tortoise & The Hare"

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

Mars has been retrograde since October 30th, 2022. He slightly touched base in Gemini and then moved back into Taurus, where he will turn direct on January 12th @ 4:02 pm.

Mythologically known as the God of War, Mars is the most malefic planet of all the planets. In a natal chart, Mars represents your outward expression and how you achieve. Mars's themes include bravery, courage, competition, anger, sexual expression, conflict, and aggression.

Mars retrogrades roughly every twenty-six months, so it's less common than Mercury Retrograde. The God of War, in retrograde, turns the outward expression from being on the battlefield to the barracks.

Mars will turn direct in the earthly sign of Taurus. Mars is usually disadvantaged in the sign of Taurus and lacking its usual drive, but he happens to turn direct at 13'57 degrees which is Vargottama & Pushkara, which means that no planet is debilitated or disadvantaged, which will help some. But he won't be here long, and as he makes his way through the rest of Taurus, he will encounter setbacks and slowdowns. During this time, in our daily lives, this may show up as unskillful or excessive force trying to make something happen, resulting in a build-up of resentment. In Earthly Taurus, the themes of finances, materialism, earnings, spending, and how you value yourself may come to the forefront, all the things Mars dislikes. This will have an overall effect on your unconscious emotional patterns and take a toll on your physique.

Until Mars is better placed, the best use of this energy would be to exercise some restraint and patience when moving ahead with any significant plans, changes, or conquests. Start slow, so you have enough energy to build more energy. An example of this type of energy management would be if you just started lifting weights, you would not go for the hundred-pound dumbbells. You would slowly train with a lower weight until you worked your way up.

I use the weight-lifting example because Mars rules the muscular system along with the bone marrow, blood, bile, digestive fire, intestines, and the all-important adrenal glands, that trigger our stress responses of fight or flight. Adrenal glands produce hormones (cortisol, adrenaline/noradrenaline, steroid hormones) that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, and blood pressure. One hormone out of balance or overactive can throw the entire body into shock.

So as Mars turns direct, be mindful of what you are trying to achieve and its effect on your stress levels. Better days are coming for Mars, but it is indeed going to require diligent restraint and patience. Remembering the classic story "The Tortoise & The Hare" may help

during this Mars transition that it's not about the destination, it's the path all along the way.

Travel Safely

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