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3/07/2023 Full Moon in Purva Phalguni/Leo "Make a Wish"

All Calculations use the Vedic Sidereal /Lahiri ayanamsha.

Timings based on Eastern Standard Time

"Believe nothing you read, see, or hear unless it feels right,

and rings true within your soul.”

The Full Moon on March 7, 2023, @ 7:40 am (EST) will be in the Moon Mansion of Purva Phalguni and the zodiac sign of Leo. Ruling Energies are the Sun, Venus, and Bhagya, “The God of Luck”

Purva Phalguni's meaning is "The Fruit of the Tree." It is symbolized by the front two legs of a day bed or a swinging hammock — representing relaxation, the lap of luxury, rejuvenation, and procreation.

The drifting time of Winter is coming to a close as we begin a precession to the Spring Equinox. You can probably already sense that your energy levels are rising, your sleep cycles are changing, and your seeds from Winter are being solidified in your mind, ready to sprout.

But before fast-forwarding, stop, pause, reflect, enjoy your life, and dream a little dream, as this Full Moon is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and desires, and Bhagya, "The God of Luck." Bhaga is said to be blind in that he distributes luck, wealth, and abundance regardless of the person's station in life. So you'll want to take this moment in time to clarify and be sure of what you wish for, or it could turn out to be the proverbial "Genie in the Bottle," where you have to use all your other wishes to get the Genie back in the bottle.

The Gurus of the Skys, Jupiter, and Venus are powerful and opulent in dreamy Pisces. This combination will expand your love, desires, and wishes with a touch of fantasy and illusion from Neptune, also in Pisces. Venus will be moving into the gandanta zone (karmic knot) on March 9th which will add tensions and urgency in what, who, and how you love. All the more reason to be relaxing for a few days.

The Sun and Moon are challenged (sqaured) by Mars during this Full Moon, and this may give you the feeling that you have no time to rest or play, but you do, and you must, if you wish to make your dreams come to life. Keep in mind that life is not measured by how much you accomplish. It's measured by how much you enjoyed the process.

So dream a little dream, partake in the joy of the coming of spring, and make a wish on this last waning cycle of the Moon before the fast-forward button is pressed.

Key Themes of this Full Moon:

  • Stop, pause, reflect, and enjoy the fruits of your labor

  • Don't wear out your luck

  • Enjoy the process

  • Clarify your dreams

I am off to play, enjoy your travels


Purva Phalguni Energy

Strength: Creative, intelligent, dynamic, charismatic, charming, genuine, qualities of leadership, carefree, open-minded, sweet speech, active, demands attention and recognition, mystical, aristocratic, refined, talented in the fine arts, youthful, energetic, excited, good in relationships, loyal, great spokesperson, sophisticated, physical healing.

Weakness: Impulsive mind, impetuous, indulgent, selfish, reckless, vane, addictive, spiteful, vindictive, unmotivated, immoral, spendthrift, lack of planning, requires too much stimulation.

Favorable Activities: Marriage, romance, sex, resolving old disputes, confronting adversaries, rest, relaxation, pleasure, artistic activities, singing, buying property, using persuasion and charisma to get what you want, sensuality, amusement, and good for dealing with people in power.

Unfavorable Activities: Beginning new projects or activities, practicing humility, intellectual activities, healing, or recovering from an illness.

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