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1/21/2023 New Moon in Uttara Ashada/Capricorn "New Beginnings"

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

All Calculations use the Vedic Sidereal /Lahiri ayanamsha.

Timings based on Eastern Standard Time

Believe nothing you read, see or hear unless it feels right,

and rings true within your soul.”

Our New Moon on January 21, 2023, @ 3:53 pm (est), will be in the Nakshatra Uttara Ashada, and in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Ruled by the Sun, and the Vishwadevas, "The Universal Gods"

Our first New Moon of 2023 marks The New Year for many cultures worldwide. The New Year is determined by the Lunisolar calendar from the New Moon nearest the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, sometime between January 21 and February 20.

The Lunisolar calendar combines the movements of the Sun and the Moon. A balance of the masculine and the feminine energies.

It is not fixed, not regulated, and not determined by man-made dates and holidays!!!!

It is Cosmic Law, precise in its movements and, above all, order. As it should be!!!

But here on Earth, they are not. With a monumental number of planetary shifts in January, I feel change is coming!! No longer can we hide in the shadows.

This New Moon in Uttara Ashadha is a potent energy that cannot be subdued or suppressed, nor can it be contained, altered, fixed, or controlled by anyone other than the Devatas of Uttara Ashada, "The Vishwadevas, the Universal Gods." It also happens to be in the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn.

With Saturn's shift into Aquarius on January 17, the rules have changed. Saturn is strong in his own house and element, determined to lay down the law in social responsibility. The New Moon also lands in a Saturn-ruled sign, so the effects will surely be felt as Saturn settles in. However, where there is darkness, there is always light.

These Universal Gods are referred to as:

  1. Vasu (Goodness)

  2. Satya (Truth)

  3. Kratu (Will Power)

  4. Daksha (Ritual Skill)

  5. Kala (Time)

  6. Kama (Desire/ Lust)

  7. Dhriti (Firmness/ Forbearance)

  8. Kuru (Ancestors)

  9. Pururavas (Abundance/Brightness)

  10. Madravas (Peak of Joy)

These are very auspicious deities who signify the primary virtues and qualities of the one true source, the Divine (God-Universe-Almighty-Mother-Your chosen name). They represent the collective powers of the Universal realms, united and working towards a common goal.

The other deity that rules Uttara Ashada is the beloved Lord Ganesha, "Lord of Beginnings" and "Remover of Obstacles." Uttara Ashadha, therefore, relates to all kinds of beginnings.

Beginning of "what" is the question.

Other energies in play:

  • Pluto conjunct the New Moon brings intensity and urgency. Be careful not to get pulled back into negative thinking.

  • Mars will be moving out of favorable degrees back into his determent in Taurus, causing possible agitation and a build-up of resentment. Proceed with caution in your day-to-day activities. Be mindful not to overdo it.

  • Mercury has found his/her voice again. Even though you know it's right, speak your truth with compassion.

  • Venus will be shifting into Aquarius and conjunct Saturn on January 22, inspiring humanity that it is our social responsibility to extend our hands and hearts in love to one another, no matter what. This energy will add softness to the rough, stern edges of Saturn.

  • Jupiter is strong, expansive, and overly optimistic, knowing that all is as it should be in the grand plan of the Universe. However, on Earth, blind faith and rose-colored optimism create shadows, spiritual bypassing, and the inability to see things as they are.

With so many shifts and changes this January, there's an undeniable feeling of "stand by" something is about to shift or be unearthed.

For far too long, a portion of humanity has blindly followed the wrong law, creating an imbalance in preserving life on Earth. At the precise moment, the Universe will respond with self-preservation, and ultimate victory.

Align with the light!! New Beginnings always come after endings.

Key themes of this New Moon:

  • The Lunar New Year-A New Beginning

  • Get out of the dark, open your eyes

  • Social Responsibility

  • Victory is guaranteed

  • Use your voice, careful not to preach

  • Jai Ganesha

Travel Safely


Deity- Vishwadevas”. Vishwadevas means Universal Gods. Names of these ten celestial beings translate into - ”goodness”, ”truth”, ”willpower”, ”skill”, ”time”, ”desire”, ”firmness”, ”ancestors”, ”brightness” and ”peak”. It is clear that all these ten gods are extremely benevolent and are representative of primary virtues of original, Divine creative spark. They can be said to be guardians of all that represents word ”good” in Universe. In same way, Uttarashadha represents all that is good and benign on our planet.

Favorable Activities

It is one of the best Nakshatras for Initiating Activities, Planning Events, Spiritual Activities, Rituals, using Discernment, Business Affairs, Signing Contracts, Promotions, Dealing with Authority, Artistic Ventures, Laying a Foundation for a Building, Moving into a New Home, Marriage, Politics, and Legal Matters, Contracts, Art, Politics, Law

Unfavorable Activities

Travel, Conclusions or any Kind of Endings, Illegal Activities, Unethical Activities, Criminal Activity, Impulsive Actions, Rude Behavior

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