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10/31/2022 Mars Retrograde "Re-Search"

Mars is in retrograde in the "Searching Star" of Mirgashira Nakshatra. Mirgashira is a curious Nakshatra, roaming, searching, and grazing like a deer in the woods. Also easily spooked, flighty, nervous, unstable, and timid. Its primary characteristic is to seek, and after the churning of the oceans in our Eclipse Season, there's no telling what it will find. Mars is the ruler of Miragashira, so a retrograde Mars indicates your search can only be found within. If this scares you, good, it's the perfect night to begin your quest.

This inward turn solidified this early morning of "Hallows Eve." The veil that separates the material and the spiritual world becomes one. You will be in an open field roaming around and looking at all that churned up during this eclipse season. Remember that what your searching for can only be found within. Use this Mars retrograde to fuel your inner fire, search and re-search, and be mindful of your inner rage. Don't tame it. Find out why it's there and what it needs. Also, take time to rest. Your usual outward expression needs you on the inside.

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