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12/07/2022 Full Moon in Rohini "Having it All"

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

On December 7, 2022, the Full Moon will be at 11:08 pm (EST) in the Nakshatra of Rohini, "The Star of Ascent," and the zodiac sign of Taurus. Ruling Energies for this Full Moon: Venus, the Moon, and Brahma, "The Creator of the Universe."

The beginning of our Moon cycle on November 23 began with the New Moon in Annurahda and an opportunity to deepen your devotion. Our Full Moon is the culmination, and why deep devotion is essential.

Rohini is considered one of the wealthiest Moon Mansions, and the Moon is exalted and happy here. Depending on where your devotion lies in our modern world, wealth has different meanings. There's an ongoing battle of having to be one way or the other. Material or spiritual? Follow those that came before you, and there's no need to make a choice; you can have it all.

One of the most beloved Hindu deities is Lord Krishna. He is the eighth avatar of Vishnu, that embodied compassion, tenderness, love, an alluring nature, playfulness, and a warrior, which is why Radha and everyone in his presence fell into deep devotion. Krishna was born with his natal Ascendent and Moon in the Moon Mansion of Rohini. Lord Krishna had it all, material and spiritual, not because of his Ascendent and Moon in Rohini but because he chose devotion knowing where he came from and where he was going, making him one of the wealthiest in mind, body, and spirit.

I am always reminded of a quote from our brother Jesus that states, "Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, the desires of your heart will also be." And further into the passage, he states, "Seek first the Kingdom, and all else will be added unto you."

This is the nature of the 2/8 axis and our current moon cycle, death and transformation, and wealth and abundance. How you get there and what that looks like for you is your choice.

The Moon and Mars are precisely conjunct for this Full Moon and can manifest in two ways. The Moon is about our emotional nature, and Mars is about our courage, instincts, and action. It can bring strength and vulnerability to the forefront of the mind, or the mind could be irritated by the emotions that arise. Watch the tendency to rush things and how your mind plays the tape of, "I've got to get this done, go here, and why are all these people in my way." Also, be aware of illusionary fears and jealousy with your beloveds. This is the time to "Seek first the Kingdom' of your inner instincts and vulnerability to discern appropriate actions. Thankfully, Mars is retrograde at this time, which is helpful. Otherwise, this combination would create Mangala Dosha and exacerbate aggression in the mind.

Saturn has a trine aspect to the Moon and Mars, which causes the process to be slowed down and deliberate, giving you the space you need to choose what's best.

Venus has her hand in the process since she is the ruler of Taurus, where Rohini lands. Venus is coming out of a long transformation of combustion with the Sun and her transformation from Morning Star to Evening Star. She is now in the Gandanta Zone (karmic knot) until December 8, completing her painful death and rebirth. Once on the other side, she is free to roam and do as she pleases without restrictions. This will impact how you enjoy life and what you love, watch for the tendency to overspend and over indulge.

While most of us here on earth do not have the same path as Krishna or Jesus, we all have desires and things we would like to accomplish on earth. Your inner instincts know where you came from and where you will eventually end up, follow the truth from within, and then you really can have it all!!

Key Points for this Full Moon

  • Discerning true wealth

  • Trust your inner instincts

  • Release tensions in healthy ways

  • Take your time, enjoy life

  • Learn from those that came before you

  • You can have it all!!!

Travel Safely


Rohini Energy

Strengths: Lovely appearance; attractive; charming; responsible; helpful; friendly; truthful; healthy; socialite; gentle; comforting; soothing voice; morally oriented; good communicator and listener; inner strength; affects others; balanced mind; fixed in purpose; well-educated; financially strong; dutiful to the family; gifted at arts.

Weakness: Materialistic; manipulative; pampered; deceptive; takes advantage of others; sexually or sensually indulgent; critical of others; possessive; jealous; overly sensitive; variable in nature; addictive; indecisive.

Favorable Activities: Initiating or beginning anything, healing, self-reflection and improvement, gardening, farming, spending time in nature, travel, marriage, romance and sexual activity, creating structure for material world, buying clothes, jewels, vehicles, financial matters and trading.

Unfavorable Activities: Favourable for most activities with the exception of death and destruction.

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