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12/23/2022 New Moon in Moola/Sagittarius "INXS"

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

The New Moon on December 23, 2022, at 5:17 am (EST) will be in the Moon Mansion of Moola, “The Foundation Star,” and the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Ruling Energies are Jupiter, Ketu, and Nirriti, "The Goddess of Destruction and Dissolution." Also associated with Maha Kali.


Are you feeling uprooted towards an unknown destination or all over the place? It's not the holiday frenzy, it's the Galactic Center of our Milky Way Galaxy, and everyone is feeling it.

So I preface this article with no clear, concise direction whatsoever and an INXS amount of information as to why.

Our New Moon lands in Moola Nakshatra in the window of the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice symbolizes the simultaneous death and rebirth of the Sun and the beginning of the Winter Season. The Sun reaches its bottom point on Dec 21, 2022, stalls for three days, and then begins its rebirth on Christmas Eve to take the reigns of the skies from his beloved, the Moon. The Winter Season symbolizes the fertile womb from which Spring arises. Day by Day, the light of the day increases, and darkness is dispelled, but only if you have prepared for the Winter Season.

To prepare for a Spring birth, the womb must be cleared to give room; this is where our New Moon comes into play.

Vedic Astrology offers metaphysical puzzle pieces about what to expect when planetary cycles shift and how best to be prepared or just to be comforted that it's not you; it's the vibration moving through you.

Tangled roots symbolize Moola. These roots represent stored karma of blessings and curses across lifetimes. Ketu, the south node of the past, rules Moola. Moola's deity is 'Niritti', the goddess of destruction, calamity, death, corruption, and dissolution, who is linked to Maha Kali. 'Nir' means 'to be deprived of or dissolved'. 'Ritti' means 'natural order or right.' Hence, Niritti implies deprivation of natural order or right action. Also, Lord Ganesha heavily influences this Moon Mansion by being the ruler of Ketu.

Tangled Roots+The Past+Deprivation of Natural order+Remover of Obstacles.

What tangled roots have you weaved for good or bad? What have you not deprived yourself of or dissolved that has messed up the natural order of life? What obstacles need clearing to get back on track? No problem; the Universe is here to help!!

Moola sits at the Galactic Center of our Milky Way Galaxy and, in you, the Muladhara Chakra. The Galactic Center is a supermassive black hole the size of 4 million Suns and a source of staggering gravitational energy. This black hole absorbs everything, much like a vacuum cleaner devours everything. Your health, vitality, and everything, everywhere, will feel like it's being uprooted and drawn into an unknown destination. Where it all goes, only you and God knows.

The last pieces of the puzzle is Jupiter and Sagittarius. Moola is the Moon Mansion that Sagittarius hunts in and is ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarians cannot sit still. They must be on the move, on the hunt, and in the game at all times. Much like Pisces, whom Jupiter also rules, they are mystics on the move, larger than life with no boundaries, coupled with intense curiosity. In need of absolute freedom, their adventurous spirit takes them from one end of the earth to the other, exploring different cultures and philosophies and everything under the Sun and Moon.

Four planets, Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mercury, are in Sagittattius for this New Moon. Jupiter has a squared aspect to the Sun, and Moon and Uranus squares all three, causing the need to expand explosively beyond ones means. Venus is stoking curiosity and desires while Mercury talks about everything Venus wants, where they will go, or what they will get. THIS explains the expansive energy going in any and all directions and INXS as the theme.

I could not explain Sagittarian energy any better than this:

Eternally wild with the power

To make every moment come alive

All those stars that shine above you

Will kiss you every night

Mystify, Mystify Me

Ironically this verse comes from the legendary band INXS. The lead singer, Robert Hutchence, had prominent planets in Sagittarius and lived and died on a wild mystical ride.

So for this New Moon, go ahead live INXS, and get it out of your system. What's no longer needed or useful will be destroyed and sucked into the Galactic Center, allowing for the removal of all obstacles to embrace the stillness and preperation for the Winter Season.

Key Themes for New Moon:

  • INXS

  • Get to the root and untangle the roots you have weaved.

  • What obstacles need clearing to get back on track?

  • Follow the adventure, allow room for the organic flow of life

  • Worship Lord Ganesha and Maha Kali

Enjoy the ride!!!!


Favorable: Getting to the Root of the Matter, Gathering Knowledge, Administering Herbs and Medicines, Planting and Gardening, Agriculture, Designing, Oratory Activities, Forcefulness, Dynamism, Laying Foundations for Houses, Construction, Buying and Selling Homes, Expressing Sexuality, Contemplation, and Meditation, Initiation into Study of Science and Astrology, Adventures

Unfavorable: Balance, Tactfulness, Marital Events, Diplomacy, Lending or Borrowing, Materialism, Initiations or Beginnings, Marriage Ceremony, Financial Transactions

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