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3/21/2023 New Moon in Uttara Bhadra/Pisces "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya"

All Calculations use the Vedic Sidereal /Lahiri ayanamsha.

Timings based on Eastern Standard Time

"Believe nothing you read, see, or hear unless it feels right

and rings true within your soul.”

The New Moon on March 21, 2023, @ 1:23 pm (EST), will be in Nakshatra Uttara Bhadra and in the zodiac sign of Pisces. Ruling energies are Jupiter, Saturn, and Ahir Budhyna, “The Warrior Star”

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya means "Om, I bow to Lord Vāsudeva or Lord Vishnu." Referring to the Supreme Infinite Spirit, God, or your chosen name. It is a mantra of surrender to the will of the Divine.

Spring is official. But what makes it different than yesterday? Perhaps it’s a starting point to get moving faster, but in which direction?

What has sprung for Spring for you?

Was it what you planned and prepped for in the Winter? Or has there been a plot twist?

The Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, and Chiron, the wounded healer, are all in Pisces, the house of endings. Hardly seems like a beginning, but it is. Endings and beginnings happen simoutanioulsy.

With Venus conjunct with Rahu and Uranus in Aries for this New Moon and Spring Equinox, plot twists may come along with the drive and desire for something more tangible and realistic.

Pisces is the sign of the 12th house. The accumulation of all the zodiac signs. When we look at the zodiac, it is a cycle of birth to death, and it is at this last juncture that one gets to decide, do I do this again, or shall I choose differently?

With an intense amount of energy placed in the house of endings, it may become clear that something new must begin.

This is the case for my spring and the delay in this months writing. I’ve been tending a garden for a very, very long time without much growth in the tangible world. However, the inward growth has been exponential. Just as I am moving along with MY plans and moving this expression to the tangible world, the Divine adds a plot twist. Similar to last Spring when I had to say goodbye to the physical presence of my beloved best friends, Jayden & Blender. Not sure I am liking these spring events that catapult us in different directions, often painfully and unexpectedly. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. However, it is to be expected when I look at the energy that has and is developing in my own natal chart. I am in Nodal return, which always redirects you to another track or puts you back on the right track. The direct nodal change and a Vimshottari Dasha change coincide almost exactly later this year, in September.

Where am I going? I don’t know!!!!

What’s it going to look like? I don’t know!!!

But she/he does, and that’s all I need to know!!!!

What I do know is that I must make room for the Divine to work in my life, which means I need to focus on what’s growing and what needs to be left behind in this month's "house of endings." To make room, I will not be doing New Moon and Full Moon writings. Which frees up an expansive amount of physical, mental, and social media time and energy. If the Divine so sees fit for me to write specialty articles or a series, then that will be revealed, but for now, I am on Spring break, awaiting instructions.

Key Themes of this Full Moon:

  • Will the will of God

  • Learn to pivot

  • Resist resisting

  • Listen to your dreams

Blessings to you all!!!!

I am off to I don't know where!!!!

Travel safely


Uttara Bhadra Energy

Strength: Inspiring speaker; good problem-solving ability; attractive; disciplined; compassionate; strictly follows principles; generous; financially successful; tends to make money on their own; economical; charitable; humanitarian; merciful; intelligent; benefits from children; drawn to the unknown; virtuous; happy; wise; love for family; self sacrificing; benefits from gifts or inheritance; defeats enemies; satisfied; service oriented; controls anger; marital happiness; balanced; provides nourishment for others; gives advice.

Weakness: Withdrawn; unenthusiastic; develops long-term enemies or is involved in disputes that take a long time to resolve; over analyzes outcomes; self-centered; financially focused; gossip; lazy; addict; irresponsible; highly emotional.

Professions: Philosopher, writer, teacher, charity work, import or export work, travel industry, religious work, astrologers, yoga and meditation experts, counselor, therapist, healer, tantric practitioner, monk, musician, jobs that require extraordinary abilities, jobs that require little movement, night watchmen, doormen, historians, librarians, people living on inheritance

Famous Uttara BhadraPadas: Bill Gates, Hilary Clinton, Indira Gandhi

Favorable Activities: Peaceful activities, research, meditation, psychic development, marriage, sexual activity, financial transactions, activities requiring support from others, artistic ventures, treatment of disease, naming children, gardening, construction, good time to make a commitment

Unfavorable Activities: Travel, litigation, facing enemies, speculation, gambling, lending money, quick action, physical movement.

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