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Venus's Star Point "Two of Five"

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

Are you feeling the intensity of Eclipse Season, or is it Venus's transformation from Morning Star to Evening Star? It is both, and it is POWERFUL.

On October 27th, Venus moved from the heart of the Sun back into combustion. You may have experienced masculine energy from outside forces or your own masculinity, rearing its dominance to hold you back or trigger you into rage. This theme will continue until Venus moves from combustion with the Sun and firmly establishes herself as the Evening Star around December 5th. A Mars retrograde will add to masculine tension within and out.

The conjunction of Venus and the Sun marks the second of five points in Venus's evolutionary eight-year cycle that began on January 8th, 2022. These points were termed "Venus Star Points" and were first introduced by Astrologer Arielle Guttman, who studied the Venus cycle and the resulting geometry in great detail. These conjunctions, over an eight-year cycle, form a precise pattern that looks like a five-pointed star or a five petals rose.

Venus's transformation is happening in her own house of Libra, making her strong and determined not to be underpinned by masculine forces. This extraordinary shift from Morning Star to Evening Star in Libra last occurred centuries ago. So you can be assured of its power and all elements of Venus and Libra: Love, devotion, balance, creativity, fairness, oneness, beauty, and desires. This is the "Humble Re-Quest" I mentioned in the New Moon Solar Eclipse writing.

Venus's invitation is for you to deepen your search and ask:

  • How do I give love?

  • How do I feel loved?

  • What gives me pleasure?

  • What do I find beautiful?

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