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2/01/2022 New Moon in Shravana "You can't handle the Truth"

Updated: Nov 12, 2022

On February 1, 2022, @ 12:46 am (EST) the New Moon will be in the Moon Mansion of Shravana, "The Star of Learning" and the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Ruled by the Moon, Saturn, and Vishnu, The Preserver of the Universe.

Our New Moon cycle in Shravana is in a position to hear what's not being said. Can you handle the Truth? Hearing what has been left unsaid or hidden takes the most significant skill in effective communication, listening.

Shravana's meaning is "The Star of Learning." Symbolized by an ear, three uneven footsteps in a row; a trident. This Moon Mansion is about listening to your inner voice, listening to the unspoken words, observing, and being aware.

During this New Moon, your inner world may feel as though you're caught between a rock and a hard place. This is a direct result of the New Moon hemmed between Pluto's underworld and Saturn's restrictions, forcing the Truth to the surface. Sun and Saturn are in close quarters causing Saturn to be in a state of combustion (incinerator hot). There is no telling how forceful Saturn will be in staking his claim for Truth and justice.

Fate is forcing its hand on every level. However, if you can't handle the Truth, you can always crawl back under your rock, which would be rather foolish

considering what's at stake.

Vishnu, our ruling deity of this New Moon, is the preserver of the Universe. Under no circumstance will any thought, word, or deed go unnoticed or corrected in his quest for upholding and maintaining Universal Truth. The entire Cosmos is created and sustained from these Truths.

As a society, we hide, control, deny and downplay the Truth in multiple ways. Deep down in the places, we don't talk about are the hidden shadows that only come out when we are thrown off guard. Watch out, the energy is primed for this to occur. Day by day, the Sun is increasing in light, and while you may feel your shadow is decreasing, it's only due to the light that is getting in and forcing each of us to embrace the illusion and listen to what's underneath.

This New Moon cycle is also the time of the year that's best for listening to that still small voice for YOUR Truth.

Venus is completing her forty-day, forty-night cycle in retrograde on January 29, which gave us much-needed observation time to look at what and whom we value and level up in our self-respect. With a trine aspect from the pioneering planet Uranus, Venus begins her maiden voyage as the bright and lovely Morning Star with Mars right beside her, clearing any leftover debris in her way.

Key Themes for this New Moon:

  • Kalsarpa Yoga is still in effect until April 13, 2022

  • Listen, Listen, Listen

  • Connect to your Highest Self and Intuition

  • Listen for that still small voice for your Truth

  • Honor the Truth

  • Merge your Shadow with the Light

Remember that our central theme this cycle is listening, and Mercury, the messenger, is retrograde until February 3, and conjunct Pluto. You may get caught off guard by what you hear or learn, and your shadow forced into the light. There will be no way to hide, control, deny or downplay this Truth. I hope you can handle the Truth graciously, and perhaps then, a new perspective and conscious communication can occur when Mercury turns direct, resulting in the right action for all.

Love & Wisdom



Shravana Energy

Favorable: Beginning New Ventures, Counseling, Listening, Travel, Buying Property, Medical Treatment, Socializing, Learning, Study Languages, Reading and Writing, Music, Philosophy, Meditation, Religious Activities, Politics, Humanitarian Activities

Unfavorable: Activities requiring Aggression, Lawsuits, Battles or Wars, taking Risks, Making Promises, taking Oaths, Completion of Activity, Lending Money, Marriage, Adoption

Strength: Great capacity for learning; success in foreign lands; lives a prosperous, balanced and modest life; ethical; studies scriptures and ancient knowledge; contemplative; drawn to working for social and humanitarian causes, vigilant to highest good; helps others transform their lives; has a good marriage and a helpful partner; articulate speaker, well-liked; cordial in business; creative; quick learner; knowledge to transcend the material world.

Weakness: Hypersensitive; overly concerned with reputation; pessimistic; an unyielding nature; extreme views concerning ethics; excessive generosity that may lead to debt and poverty; develops adversaries and enemies due to jealousy and gossip.

Beej Mantra-“Om Mam” 108 times

Mantra-oṁ maṁ śrāvaṇa nakṣatrayai namaḥ

Janell Sachi Renshaw is a Licensed Unity Teacher with Unity Worldwide Ministries. Vedic Astrologer, INT. E-RYT 500 trained specifically under the direction of Yogi Amrit Desai and Kamini Desai of the Amrit Yoga Institute. A certified Amrit Yoga Teacher Level 1, Amrit Conscious Crossover Level 2, Yoga Nidra Advanced Facilitator. Thousands of hours of deep integrative personal practice. Blending the knowledge of metaphysics, spiritual teachings, Yoga & Astrology to create a deep integrative experience of profound Love & Wisdom

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