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Venus Retrograde

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

Venus the Goddess of love, marriage, partnerships, beauty, comforts and pleasure.

In this past month, the conjunction of Venus and Pluto provided an outlet to your wild side. Now, Venus has become retrograde and will conjunct with Pluto two more times from December 19, 2021, until January 29. This will give you another go around, from a different perspective or just to do it all over again from a healthier and informed "Mind."

What do I really desire?

What boundaries do I need to honor?

What have I buried? What should I bury?

What and who do I love, and why?

Is this relationship the right relationship?

Venus retrograde is completing an eight-year cycle during this retrograde. When she emerges in 40 days and 40 nights from now, her desires will be well informed to begin her new eight-year cycle on January 29th.

All relationships are up for review. Be mindful. Be aware. Be careful with your words and actions at this time.

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